Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Astrological Earth Points Through the Signs and EarthPoints

(opposing sign from sun)

by Gwynne Mayer


---combines the Fire Element with the Cardinal Mode...making those born with prominent Aries...keen, energetic, and extraordinarily active. A strong will and talent for leadership marks Aries at any stage of evolution but the evolved, spiritual Aries learns to temper his will to the likeness of a fine sword, used only on behalf of others: for love of God and Man---"Thy Will, not mine, be done!" When they learn to forget themselves for love of those in their care, those who look to them for leadership, the archetypal Aries will indeed shine forth. The people born with Aries as sun have been undergoing a need for pulling in and reassessing what is important and of value in their lives. Many have found it necessary to live more frugally, or invest in one's own business. Others have found it necessary to draw away from multiple sexual partners and stay with the ONE YOU LOVE...Taking care of your health, and circulation as well as adrenal system is very important...drinking more water, less caffeine, liquor etc. would be of great help to you.

Sun in Aries, Earth Point in Libra -

The Aries is looking for pioneering new ideas and new connections, always having the initiative to move forward. Most of the Aries energy is physical, fire energy and must be used in this manner either through physical activity or healing through fire energy. The Libra earth point will constantly cause the Aries to search for a partner, a perfect equal to be in an idealistic commitment, still focusing on self rather than the partnership, so you can see how this might cause some problems. The effort to keep balance in the Aries life is a continuous strain, especially on the heart when acknowledgement and companionship are not available. The Aries is having to learn to be independent WITHIN whatever commitment he/she encounters, no matter what the immediate needs are, no matter what alibis one might think of to excuse the ONESELF of accomplishing the soul tasks. Turning toward more spiritual methods of meditation and prayer would be of help here!

"There is no limit to your light, except through the dark shadows of the ego cast upon the sky, which we call the self. Shake your soul! Awaken it from slumber! The time has come to awaken to your divine being."......Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan


....The greatest fault of Taurus is possessiveness and stubbornness but in the evolved Taurean the stubbornness becomes the ability to persist against the great odds over a long period for some altruistic cause. For all Earth Signs, those instructions given to the aspiring disciple in LIGHT ON THE PATH apply with particular force:"Desire possessions above all. But those possessions must belong to the pure soul only, and be possessed therefore by all pure souls equally, and thus be the especial property of the whole only when united. Hunger for such possession as can be held by the pure soul, that you may accumulate wealth for that united spirit which is your only true SELF."

Sun in Taurus, Earth point in Scorpio -

The Sun in Taurus is here to experience the desire, material, sensual nature of earth. We can do this through the connection to others and developing meaningful relationships utilizing the desirous, sensuous nature, with a focus on attaining great wealth, sticking to purpose and manifesting ideas. Scorpio's earthpoint creates a great deal of angst, rage and inner turmoil at being trapped by materiality and the sensual nature. Scorpio wants to move into transformation and deep inner work as compared to what he seems superficial in the Taurean partner. There is great learning that can come from the Taurus' ability to acknowledge his/her Scorpionic side, the great transformative rebirthing that is necessary to fulfill this life's path. Continuing to connect with the earth and the Venusian elements is a constant source of soul peacefulness.Most recently the Taurus' has had to find a coping method for dealing with life's little accidents and mishaps in regard to others, mostly family members. You have been called on to be less self-less and more service oriented. You also have the necessity to pull in your purse strings and start investing wisely as well as budget carefully. Watching your health, especially if you smoke or have allergies is going to be very important in the next couple of years.

"You cannot sell your soul, but you can sell your awareness of it. You cannot perceive your soul, but you will not know it while you perceive something else as more valuable."...A COURSE IN MIRACLES

Gemini combines the Air Element with the Mutable Mode, liking to be constantly on the move physically and mentally----contracting, associating, co-ordination. To his logical mind ideas and their relationships to each other are of fundamental importance. His task lies in comprehending the simple basis underlying the enormous varieties and complexities with which he tends to pre-occupy himself. The evolved Gemini learns in time to value others even if their approach is not as quick or as intellectual as his, for then he can appreciate all men and women as facets of the same diamond Self. Most recently, Gemini has learned some greater lessons in relating and making commitments, either through marriage, through abandonment, or just running from relationship to relationship. What have you learned from all of this? How are you steadying your moods or rather how are you justifying your mood swings? It is imperative that the younger side of you matures quickly and takes an accounting of all that you have put behind you as too trivial to matter.Gemini is learning the value of LEARNING, growing in communication skills and ability to be mercurial in nature, or as the kid's say "learning to go with the flow". This enables him/her to become an experiential teacher to the max, to learn how important it is to be a bridge of communication and not get stuck in the teacher role so much so that he/she forgets the continual experience of being the student. They are both one and the same (student/teacher) except when we get locked into the earth point Sagittarius.

Earth Point, Sagittarius
which is somewhat dogmatic and judgmental as a teacher when we are stuck in the lecture mode, seeing ourselves as the consummate professor of all truths. Much of the religiosity comes through this function...the moral dictates, organized judgments, etc. Jupiterian Sagittarius needs to be able to see the overall picture and translate it to the Gemini mind, in such a way that can be experienced as ALL LEARNING and valued above the didactic mind."Personal authority is the ability to validate one's own thoughts and actions as good and true."...Polly YoungEisendrath and Florence Wiedemann


combines the Water Element with the Cardinal Mode. Like its symbol, the Crab, Cancer loves his home, his family, his shell. He is protective, supportive, devoted to his own family. Control of the emotions and imagination is needed with Cancer. They should practice using their imaginations creatively instead of negatively. The evolved Cancereian eventually expands maternal urges beyond his immediate family giving that tender, compassionate love to every living creature. Most recently, Cancer has had to deal with all the disillusionment about relationships and partnerships. It is best for the Cancer to reassess his/her relationships and what is being done on a subliminal level in those relationships. You might wake up to the fact that even though you have felt you were giving, giving, giving, the OTHER in your life feels you might have been taking, taking, taking. It is at least worth while to look into your inner most self and figure this one out.

Cancer, with Capricorn as an earth point, is a sign that represents mass humanity and its consciousness. The matriarchal sign calls us to take care and nurture those with whom we come in contact, providing a home of spirit, not just for our immediate families but those who make up our HUMANITY FAMILY. This sign needs to broaden its nourishing element to be inclusive rather than exclusive. Borrowing from the patriarchal sign Capricorn as their earth point, the Cancerians can learn how to truly protect and keep focus at the same time, not enmeshing in a situation to the point of losing the humanitarian influence. There is a struggle between these two until the final leap is made, bridging the gap between the matriarch and patriarch. One only has to look at the mass media to see how that gap still exists, and in what kind of mode."Creation is revealed as a reservoir of spiritual meaning to the soul who is aware of its own essence and is therefore consciously and constantly oriented toward the Source of Creation.".............Lex Hixon


combines the Fire element with the Fixed Mode...Loess like to do things in a royal way as befits the King of the Beast--even involved Loess are generous, kind, and given to dramatic gestures...Manly Hall suggests that Leo types frequently suffer from some form of obsession due to the psyches of Cancer in the previous life. The obsession may range from a divinity complex to an infallibility complex. Leo people sometimes feel that they are not as other mortals., peculiarly endowed with semi divine attributes and they love to reform other people or institutions. Leo's yearning for love and appreciation teaches him that in order to receive love from others one must first give love---and not with the attitude of "I'll love you as long as you love me!" The warmth of the FIRE is always present and it draws others like a magnet; they seem to gather instinctively around a Leo to warm their coldness and fill their emptiness. Leo performs on an involved level as an initiatory master teacher... Most recently Leo has been addressing the issues of relationships and commitments, yet yearning for a life's companion. The great disillusionment in a Leo is his/her ability to fool one's self, especially in regards to relationships. Leo also needs to take care of the body and especially the teeth, bones, and any auto-immune problems that may arise. Leo is usually one of the healthier signs, but will ignore little problems for a very long time, until they become BIG PROBLEMS.

Leo, with Aquarius as an earth point, is a fire sign which burns brightly as long as it is being stroked with kindness and appreciation, however, this HEART SIGN is very definitely shut down when it burns itself out providing assurance for everyone but self. The Leo is here to bring out the light in others and in doing so bringing all elements to full view as he/she expands the spirit of self and others, either through the magnetism and charisma of the Leo personality or through undying devotion to being a model by which to learn. The Aquarian detachment is needed so as not to create too much egoism in the Leo. Leo's have a divine element that will cause them much regret, if they get bound down in ego. The gods/goddesses want the service of Leo from a detached Aquarian state, so as to be able to HEAR SPIRIT when SPIRIT speaks. Working with attachment, detachment is a lifelong lesson for this sign and one well worth the effort if focus is maintained and disciplines are adhered to."Ecstatic love for God--heart and mind melted by passionate longing for Truth-- is the one essential factor in the process of awakening."

combines the Earth Element with the Mutable Mode and therefore is the most adaptable and changeable of the Earth signs. This Sign naturally rules Service, and in service the Virgo finds his greatest satisfaction and eventually his true Self. Essentially a worker, the Virgo is neat, precise, and careful of detail...There always seems to be an element f insecurity in Earth Sign people which they seek to overcome consciously or unconsciously by acquiring something they hold valuable. It is very hard for them to realize that material things, whether, money, position, or power, do not give real security. A Virgo incarnation is apt to be one of limitation and financial problems. He tends to restrict his service to those whom, in his critical opinion, he considers 'worthy' and he measures his service with a careful eye on an equal return... When the evolved Virgo learns the lesson of giving service to all without measuring the worth of the recipient or the return to himself he becomes the selfless servant of all. More recently, Virgo is having to reassess his/her abilities to process self, as opposed to others. It is important that he/she looks within to see the value of what he/she is doing, so as not to run off all relationships and loved ones. It is quite a burden to others to be scrutinized to the extent that the Virgo will do...especially if a commitment is involved. The sexual nature of Virgo must also be looked at and the understanding of the Madonna/whore complex within the Virgo psyche.Virgo, with

Pisces as an earth point, is a sign of service, organization, and true healing energy that can be transmitted 'hands on' if he/she is not caught up in the minutiae of everyday life. This sign is learning how to be grounded and also maintain priorities for the themselves and the people with whom they serve. The Piscean principle of VISION is needed here so as to create a picture of the WHOLE rather than the PARTS. The ability to discern, process and analyze is needed, however, when time comes to give it a rest, then Pisces will be activated to have faith, hope and unconditional love providing the rest of the impetus to get the job done. These two signs are truly balanced when they work together rather than work at odds with one another, dividing self with critical complaining or delusional thinking. This is an axis that can provide true ascension into Christ Consciousness."Your body is the temple of your soul. Your soul is God's temple."..................Hari Das


combines the Air element with the Cardinal Mode. Libra is the natural Sign of partnership, the public, and relationships with others in general. They dislike disagreeableness and confrontations of any kind and prefer to live free of any contact with the seamier facts of life. LIGHT ON THE PATH says: Remember that the sin and shame of the world are your sin and shame; for you are a part of it; your karma is inextricably interwoven with the great Karma. And before you can attain knowledge you must have passed through all places, foul and clean alike. Therefore, remember that the soiled garment you shrink from touching may have been yours yesterday, may be yours tomorrow. And if you turn with horror from it, when it is flung upon your shoulders, it will cling the more closely to you. Libran's are the great minds when it comes to owning their karma and it is often done in the form of relationships as MIRRORS OF THE SOUL. A great balancing experience for sure. Libra often works best in triads and triangulated relationships. That is why they make such great counselors.. Most recently Libran's have had to look at the stress on the adrenal system, due to their lack of discernment in relationships. It is important for you to not stress out because you simply cannot set better boundaries about what OTHERS want from you. You may find that you have more headaches, need to drink more water, want more private time, etc. What you need to do is find more of your SELF as opposed to the self that others see and that you depend on for VALUE...

Libra, with Aries as an earth point, is here to provide the very thing that all strive for, BALANCE. The ability to mediate, resolve conflicts, partner as team support and connect with humanity as Spirit is obvious in a Libra when all engines are firing. This sign hears the tones of the universe and responds to the connection of sound, color and movement depending on the relationships. It is learning to go from personal relationships to relationships to soul purpose. Justice will be done when he/she finally balances with the Aries independence and the initiative it takes to make decisions and stick by the independent thinking provided when individuation occurs. Aries is the strategist warrior that needs to wed with the Venusian Aphrodite and create some alchemical exchange between the two. This would be true balance and bring true peace of mind and soul."The unseen region in question is not merely ideal, for it produces effects in this world. When we commune with it, work is actually done upon our finite personality.".......William James


combines the Water element and the Fixed Mode. The Sign of of Scorpio, the lower form(scorpion) the higher form (Eagle) is associated with 8th house which rules death, regeneration, rebirth, sexuality and others sexuality and money...Scorpio's greatest problems are controlling the intensity of emotion and desire, entangling ideas of justice with attachments which lead to control and misuse of power. Once he turns from the real or fancied injustices to the reformation of his own character his progress is swift, he becomes the soaring eagle. In the words of LIGHT ON THE PATH: But to learn is impossible until the first great battle (i.e. control of the emotions and desires) has been won. The mind may recognize truth but the spirit cannot receive it. Once having passed through the storm and attained the peace, it is always possible to learn, even though the disciple waver, hesitate, and turn aside. This is a battle that needs to be fought over and over again. Scorpios have been through major transformations in the last ten years and are now learning how to deal with the more Taurean aspects of life, such as money, and lots of it, especially if it is in regards to the chosen path. Making money as well as making love are dual goals for this sign in the next few years. (that is LOVE, not SEX)

Scorpio, with Taurus as an earthpoint, is a transforming experience, both of self and others. Scorpio came to this earth to transform all with which it comes in contact and will do so, even to the death. Never doubt the power of the Scorpionic influence in your life as he/she will be in your experience if you have been deeply touched, no matter by physical touch, or not, the Scorpio has made his/her mark. The depth of understanding and connection to the primal energies that exist on this planet need to be understood by Scorpio so he/she will be willing to negotiate some kind of working relationship with the materialistic desire level of Taurus. Scorpio will manifest financial and property problems until this balance has been created. Being able to understand the manifesting qualities...of money equalling energy. There is not greater energy than that of a Scorpio, so by all rights, he/she should be a multi-millionaire. Why doesn't that happen? Ask the Scorpio, as I am sure you can find out about their judgements regarding the Taurus Side of Self."Love is a power which produces love; impotence is the inability to produce love."..........Erich Fromm

Sagittarius...combines the FIRE element with the MUTABLE ode. This "mutability" makes him more adaptable and self-sufficient than either Ariesor Leo. The symbol for Sagittarius, the Archer, with his bow and arrow ever ready to shoot afar, gives rise to the observation that Sagittarians often seem more interested in SHOOTING their arrows than in the DESTINATION of the arrow...This often comes through their TACTLESS SPEECH...Sagittarians whether evolved or unevolved, are attracted to religion and philosophy and they often choose the priesthood or some kind of ministry as a vocation...where they can learn the lesson of love.. and learn to seek the well being of others. Sag is under the gun while Pluto is transiting...many hard lessons regarding health, family deaths, and addiction problems which need to be addressed. Discipline is a major concern now, learning to live by a routine that is in line with your philosophies.

Sagittarius, with a Gemini earth point, is here to learn, to teach to speak of higher wisdom and philosophy, often fending off the dogma and doctrine that comes with these teachings. However, many Sagittarians need to learn to be filters for the truth and LISTEN to the tones of truth through what hierarchical sources are saying, finally becoming the spokesperson for the highest order of philosophical understanding. The Gemini point is very difficult to learn once the above has been mastered, as Gemini is the perennial student and wants to be in the foray of evolving mind. This trait can be a good one for Sag to master, learning to discern, as a student, what may later be translated into even more pristine teachings. The ability of the Gemini to listen and learn is much needed for the Sagittarius who continues to speak AT his/her audience rather than WITH the audience. It will create a wonderful rainbow bridge of communication to get these two points into balance."I discovered that it is necessary, absolutely necessary, to believe in nothing. That is, we have to believe in something which has no form and no color---something which exists before all forms and colors appear...No matter what god or doctrine you believe in, if you become attached to it, your belief will be based more or less on a self-centered idea."........Suzuki Roshi

Capricorn combines the Earth Element with the Cardinal Mode of operation, which makes him less fixed than Taurus and not as changeable as Virgo. Being of the Cardinal Mode the Capricorn welcomes responsibility and is ambitious to rise. Many Capricorns are known surpass all the Signs in making "heavy weather" out of everything. It is no good pointing out their many blessings for they cannot seem to keep from feeling miserable, apprehensive, and worried. Their lesson is to learn that only through service to others in some form will their intrinsic worth and security be established. Through sharing they will discover warmth and joy. Capricorn needs to learn to love in a way that can bring joy and physicality into the life...nurturing oneself and allowing others to nurture. Health problems will be a problem unless this is handled and old karmic issues of abandonment, poverty, etc. will manifest unless you look into the inner sanctum of your sacred space.

Capricorn, with a Cancer earth point, is learning to take care of business in the lowest elements, and evolving to the higher businesses. Their perseverance is needed so as to create a security for the future, the personal future and the future of humanity. This sign can be the epitome of wisdom, having a plethora of knowledge and information, however it can also get weighed down with the responsibility that it assumes for all things and all peoples. The Cancerian point needs to be learned as taking care of oneself and nourishing the humanitarian aspects of self so as to not get caught up in rigid thinking and overworked arthritic conditions. There is a great deal of creativity that evolves out of this combination when balance is sought and rest, relaxation, home, family are all put in perspective."Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.".........Lord ActonAquarius combines the Air element with the Fixed Mode. This member of the Air triplex certainly should be brotherhood personified, for is not Aquarius the Sign of Man---"Mr. Brotherhood" himself?

The sign Aquarius
is ruled by Uranus the Awakener and Rebel.. An Aquarian cannot bear to have his own freedom threatened...even going so far to metaphorically lead a revolution so that all men may be equal and free. When Universal Brotherhood is achieved there still must be rules and limitations so that the free actions of one individual or group does not infringe upon that of another, and that is what the Aquarian will resent. BROTHERHOOD can only become a reality to the Aquarian when he desires his brother's freedom more than his own; when his own freedom is surrendered for the good of all. Oddly enough, although Aquarius is the Sign par excellence of humanity. Aquarians can be the most detached and "inhuman" of humans...they do this with their avoidance of intimacy and permanent commitments. Aquarians have many friends, but few are very close, mainly because it is hard for others to penetrate the wall of universality and individuality that the Aquarian carries in his aura...Aquarius will be going through many changes, relationships, living area, professions and expansions in perceptions. This will last close to 7 years and then we must make a change. You can certainly feel it coming as you are always ahead of your time.

Aquarius, with a Leo earth point, is what our twentieth century is all about, invention, humanitarian spirit, devotion to principle, connection to higher energies, working with the cyber phenomenon, all being high levels of Aquarian understanding. This detached sign has alot of thinking on its plate, due its source--the universal mind. These folks are great channels for incoming energies, so that we can understand the nature of physics, science and humanity, as they translate the very necessary teachings to us for our assimilation. The Leo is attached to the outcome and must be adhered to only in as much as completion is necessary, not half-starts. So the Aquarian needs to be CENTER STAGE for a while in order to provide his/her audience with the necessary information coming in from the cosmos. This would create a merging of two powerful forces into the ONESELF that would incorporate planetary energies into our earth field. I say "Go for it!!"

PISCES.. is capable of devoted selfless service for others, of a deep universal vision and mystic at-one-ment with all living creatures which they show at all stages of evolution in their tenderness for animals and plants. The Piscean is the most sensitive of all Water Signs, depending on others for support. The danger lies in the more forcefully expressed opinions and defined personalities of others confusing and distorting their own their own unique selves. The water of Pisces is the water of the sea--boundless infinitely deep with many hidden currents. It is the Sign of the Savior, the last crucifixion before transformation into the superhuman kingdom. This sign is being tested as to physical endurance and seeing just how much energy one has to use to get the job done. Pisces no longer have the luxury of staying in the physical realm, but will go through a great deal angst in regards to changes and deep seated inventories regarding health and addiction issues.The evolved Piscean is capable of devoted selfless service for others, of a deep universal vision and mystic at-one-ment with all living creatures which they show at all stages of evolution in their tenderness for animals and plants. A Piscean must learn to move from self-pity, indecision, and feelings of inadequacy (which sometimes lead to the escapism of alcoholism or drugs or daydreaming) to practical uses of imagination and idealism in the arts, religion, selfless service, and healing.

Pisces, with Virgo as an earth point, has been through the last two thousand years of assimilating and integrating the Christ principle, into the hearts of man. We are no longer called upon to sacrifice self or others to this principle, but instead make the leap into HOLDING THE VISION for the new humanity. Pisces seems quite isolated in its resting state after two thousand years of service and sacrifice to those of deep religious convictions, providing the sainthood of historical experience. Now to go on with the balance into Virgo and ground oneself in this new work that has been set forth upon the planet. It is time to use healing energies, i.e. Reiki et al. and other healing energy modalities to bring forth the Piscean/Virgo axis talents. This will definitely be a creative outlet for the balance between these two signs. Many body workers devoted to these principles are very strongly on the Pisces/Virgo axis and are truly centering through this outlet."Today the resistance to reawakening to our inner divinity, of recovering our soul, comes not only from religion but from science as well."......Larry Dossey

Conversations on the "Shadow"

(The following is a conversation between Gwynne Mayer and Robert Heyward, moderator of the junglife@yahoogroups.com list. We hope to bring you a more in depth approach to the exploration of the inner world of self. The following is on the discussion the applications of shadow work. This is written in May of 2003 but may have excerpts of writings from earlier times.)

Quoted below are some responses you had to a writer, we will call H., in 1999 from the jung-l list.

Dear H. you ask?
And I project my shadow onto other people, or the world in general,because it is difficult for me to see and accept the shadow portion ofmyself? For instance, if I see the world as being full of ill feelingstoward me, then I want to look and see if in fact *I* am full of illfeelings toward me? My shadow side has begun to become apparent to me andI can't bear to look or allow myself to experience conflicting feelings inmyself about myself?

RGH: In a personal sense, yes. The Shadow is the first face of the unconscious, beneath which lies all that is unconscious - ie, that to which we are not adapted within our ego consciousness right down to the core levels of collective unconscious being.

GM: Do you believe that the first encounter with the personal unconscious is the shadow?

RGH: It has to be, in the sense that *everything* in the unconscious is "shadow" at this point. But see below:

GM: And could that be bypassed to go further into the unconscious without dealing with the shadow?

RGH: In this sense I assume you mean *not* dealing with the personal shadow. Which, in fact, is a most common problem - that men are willing to deal with the gods first and themselves second. And, as you can see from history - and todays news - it is how we justify our inhumanity, which merely shows the sick irony: that one cannot deal with the gods in this way - for they will ever enact a price, a vengeance, to be paid for such assumption. In personal life, it is a matter of just how one approaches the gods. If you approach them as an unclean person, then they will entangle you in your own limitations; justice is enacted upon the projector. For example, every man might tell a tale of how the anima ensnared him and then enacted justice via his own limited understanding after he realized that partnership with the "woman of his dreams" was not going to be the bliss he imagined.

GM: Personally, I believe, bypassing the work on the shadow would border on craziness, due to the illusion of the archetypal nature becoming one's reality, instead of relegating it to the more enormous content of the unconscious. How would you see that and it's affect on the individual?

RGH: Ah.. well. There are lots of myths that discuss this very thing and illustrate the effects better than I can. But they all relate back to the "sorcerers apprentice" in some way. In our day and age we have the obvious effects that drugs like LSD can have upon the individual who takes them for "kicks". They get kicked all right. But all drugs are doorways to the nether regions - even heroin. Few seem to realize that the body is part of the unconscious and that it has its gods. We just do not think mythologically enough these days. Our old friend Paracelsus would have recognized the danger to the soul immediately. The most common case of the accessing of the deeper layers of the unconscious without thought to one's own purity is seen these days in the new age movement - but it has ever been the same, the sudden and complete involvement with "otherness" the assumption of "psychic sensitivity" etc, etc. In some women this just an animus problem, ie, married women who affect some kind of "mediumship" etc are often in the throes of a bad marriage, whether they are conscious of this fact or not. Most likely they will be found to remarry or find a "partner" who "grounds them" or "supports their work" etc. In truth they are merely enacting a relationship in which they are in control of the animus/anima partnership and thus in control of the "maleness" of their husband/partner, which now allows them to hide from the need to confront the true nature of their animus fears and insecurities. Sooner or later this all comes crashing down as the gods tire of the pawns they utilize for their work. :-) But then we have the "informed" side of this business. The person who - although unconscious of the need to be "perfect before the gods" recognizes that the unconscious is a place of great power and wonder and deliberately decides to storm the gates of - well, is it heaven..or hell? - EIther way, they enact the rituals and are prepared for combat. History speaks to us of many such people - Austin Osmond Spare for instance, and from an earlier time one thinks of that sixteenth century self styled Magus upon whom Goethe styled his Faust. (What was his name?) Anyway, the result is ...well it can be anything. But it is a good way to find out that one does indeed need to deal carefully with ones own personal shadow. The Gods are harsh teachers. :-)

RGH: Although we have to be very careful in using the notion of blanket projection of the personal (ego) shadow upon others. This is simply not always the case. A considerable variation in type and quantity of personal projection occurs, depending upon both environmental and emotional factors -ie, the factors of nature and nurture are considerably more important in the equation than the simple concept "unconsciousness = projection."Regarding personal guilt and collective guilt you say:

RGH: Usually it is only those who project their own guilt, who would see those misdemeanors that have become public knowledge punished. In this way we sidestep and stand outside our own guilt within the collective. A simple affair - any child could repeat story after story of such behavior.

GM: So to break free of the collective, and to stand outside the collective, would that mean that one has to deal in a special way with the shadow of guilt?

RGH: Yes - one has to lay it at the feet of ones own personal God. This is the way of the warrior. In recognizing his imperfections before the One who demands his impeccability he recognizes that no other blame can be cast upon others. This however does not mean that he will not recognize the need for punishment of another. Here you enter the dangerous waters of the soul and its connections to the collective safety of all souls - which is of course is a mythical enactment of the laws of nature - in the sense that the "outsider" who sees himself as beholden only to his personal God might deem it worthy to do something which society might not be capable of. Or he might be led to suffer for all men, to enact the ritual of abandonment so that he can forgive guilt in all men: the sad savior who dies alone for the sake of his own God's appeasement.

H. Questions RGH: >But something *does* need to be done with criminals, the fact of crime is not a figment of my imagination, so how can I be both aware of my inner conflicts, my tendency to project them outward, and also keep a responsible attitude toward what is actually occurring in the world which is *not* a projection of an inner conflict?

RGH: In this regard you have the choice of the individual. Until it becomes your decision to decide what is to be done with criminals then I would suggest you forget about it. Unless you decide it is your life's work to change the system, then allow the collective to make its judgments, as it will. Your choice as an individual remains clear and present - to be or not to be a "criminal" in the sense you perceive such behavior. It is so easy to be a part of the mob. Within the crowd, "justice" is whatever creates the best for the most. It is a very different story when one plays out the "justice" game as an individual. For the mob, justice is a survival regulated mechanism, its judgments the judgments of the unconscious collective. When an individual is called upon to enact justice, and then he finds no safe haven, he finds - just as the collective does in its need to sanctify its justice - that such judgments must come from the most sacred fountain of inner knowing. From God. And it is at such moments that the individual finds the ultimate dilemma resides within himself, just as he projects it upon his God - the balance of justice and mercy. What we tend to forget is the individual has no right to complain about collective justice. We must choose between life or death, in every moment, in every action, in every word.

GM: Strong statements are made in this paragraph, regarding justice. How do we make our peace with our concept of power/God within the collective? It seems one must wrestle with this everyday and that, in and of itself is a life/death struggle. Am I even close to understanding what you are saying here?

RGH: Nature is conservative of her victories and careless with her defeats. And this law is known to us in our bones - thus we preserve our own before anything else. So until such time as we become vengeance itself we cannot - must not assume to be of greater justice than the collective wisdom which is regulated by the need for the survival of the group. As individuals we might wring our hands in dismay or curse in disgust at the atrocious justice of the day, and indeed in our personal lives we MUST enact the justice we find within our own conscience, but such enactment must and ought to be limited by the justice of the collective unless and until such time as we can live outside its proscriptions. Only the truly individuating person understands just what a struggle this is - and it is a razor's edge, a thin line between the twin enactments of God's justice and his mercy, the thin line that leads us onward in hope and keeps us from falling either way into the arms of the archetype of survival.

H: Or do you think that acceptance of the shadow allows room for compassion to enter, and acceptance of the shadow in oneself has a healing effect which sort of takes care of this issue of "how to deal with what is *not* a projection?"

RGH: At the individual level, yes. "There but for the grace of God, go I" is a hard saying for some to accept, particularly when young. But you come to see it, to understand it. It helps, but it is not everything. In other words, regardless of our compassion, our reliance upon the golden rule when dealing with others, particularly those who have offended us, we also tend to ask that they too make a leap of consciousness, that they too will not remain merely the beneficiaries of our understanding. This is the human response - to which Jesus replied "until seventy times seven". But, as with all moral stories, such ideals ignore the human limitation, the built in condition of balance we were born with as human animals.

GM: So the human limitation causes us to still do battle with that element of our shadow which finds no peace, no forgiveness? When do we give up EXPECTING anything of someone who holds our shadow? Don't you believe there is some arrogance in that expectation?

RGH: We give up "expecting" (A) when we recognize that we are not projecting personally but collectively. When we realize that the "other" is truly "not of the herd" and carries a negative value into society. This is the point where we no longer expect - but demand. Or (B) when we recognize that there is no value in our continued interaction with this person because we recognize that without mutual acceptance of shadow projections we place ourselves in danger, ie , we become the carriers of negative instinct and fall into the archetype of the martyr, the dying savior, etc. In other words we allow ourselves to carry the contagion of another's unconscious. Mind you we might do this as a step towards mutual awareness, but if continued we simply become victims of our own nature, who in enacting gods mercy find the sword of his justice plunged through our heart. H: How does a person separate the real from the projected?

RGH: The short answer is probably: you can't, because everything is a projection. But I know what you mean, regarding the normal person's behavior towards the world and how bound up it might be with ego projections, both positive and negative. I'll have a think about this as a technical point and try to give you an answer, later.

GM: If the metaphysical idea is that we are the only ONE here, then all else is projection. Given that theory, when do we understand that we are moving beyond ego in the exploration of projection and shadow?

RGH: When the Gods begin to become visible...or the demons. When we begin to become aware of their movements and manipulations.

GM: I see ego as a boundary system between consciousness and unconsciousness, to put it quite simplistically, however I believe there is a leap in here that one must make before getting the full impact of the work to be done on the owning of one's universe. Even more so in realizing that one created it for that person. Or is this happenstance?

RGH: I'll have to work on this one. I have no system of belief when it comes to life or the journey of the "soul". Beliefs are a luxury the seeker cannot afford. I think we confuse ourselves and all too easily simplify our ways of looking at things when we make such demarcations as you made in your first sentence. There are no boundaries between "conscious" and "unconscious". The "unconscious" is not a "thing" or a "place" as much as we like to project it this way in our conceptual space. Everything we call unconscious dynamics or images or archetypes are an expression of that within which we live and move - the very processes of life itself. Our psychic myths provide an inbuilt set of rules of engagement, bonuses, forfeits and the like. But they are indifferent to conscious activity in a certain sense - ie, they cannot enact above a certain level of awareness. This was the whole point of Jung's "Answer to Job", ie, that consciousness is a product which is ever greater than that which lies beneath it - just sufficiently so for it to be able to return again and again to the fray - to perambulate the "Self" as he put it, and to re-emerge even stronger. Thus any conscious interaction with the unconscious breaks the laws of the instinctive myths, forces the rules of the game ever so slightly toward its favor, and pays the price of its assumption. But what it loses in definition it gains in wisdom - in breadth - and this is the true expansion of consciousness, that it gathers ever so slightly a greater portion of heaven and hell unto itself. And even this is not the whole business - by a long shot, :-)

Why would we study to individuate?

The Process of Individuation

Jung warns in a letter to Herr Werblowsky on March 28, 1951 about pushing the process of individuation..”I should propose a somewhat different wording: instead o saying ‘pushing the process of individuation’---exactly the thing you cannot do because it instantly leads into an inflation* or into an identification with archetypes---I should recommend something like ‘becoming too recklessly selfish.’ The term individuation ought to be reserved for the legitimate evolution of the individual entelechy.’ *(meaning the presumptuous encroachment on the rights of others, particularly the gods, leading to the tragic downfall of the transgressor).
Individuation is an ongoing process, sometimes very time consuming, sometimes even ignored. It is a process of maturation in which the psyche ages or matures in much the same manner as the physical body. The general guidelines are summarized by Jacobi (1973) as consisting of four parts:
1. Becoming conscious of the shadow. The shadow is our dark side, containing those things that we have repressed or ignored for one reason or another. It usually manifests to us in dreams, fantasies, or as various symbols, as an archetypal figure who is dark and ominous. Just as the persona is that part of us that we want to present to the world, so the shadow contains those things that we want to hide from the world, and from ourselves. When working with self and others in this shadow revealing connection, we look for projections, introjections, retroflections and confluence (in Gestalt section of this site) as indicators as to the presence of the shadow.
2. Becoming conscious of the anima or animus. Basically, the anima is the feminine soul or inner femininity of every man, and the animus is the inner masculinity of every women. The individuation process is, above everything else, a process of wholeness. This includes sexual completeness. Jung (1978) wrote that the anima and animus represent “functions which filter the contents of the collective unconscious through to the conscious mind” (p.20). Thus when the ego seeks to find the inner Self, it must look through the anima or animus, which colors its perception in many different ways. Edinger (1995) distinguishes four separate progressive states of maturation in the ego’s relation to the anima: (1) the infantile state, in which the ego is totally unaware of the anima or animus, (2) the projected state, in which the anima or animus is projected outward into people of the opposite sex, (3) the possessed state, in which the ego is possessed or governed by the anima or animus, and (4) the conscious state, in which the ego becomes conscious of the anima or animus. Again we look to some of the gestalt processes when listening to our inner dialogues in regards to these conditions as to where an individual or self is in the process.
3. Becoming conscious of the archetypal spirit. Jung speaks to the archetype as it is contained in the individuation process in a letter written to Bernet in 1955 speaking of bringing the archetypes into consciousness, he warns: “the archetype is increasingly detached from its dynamic background and gradually turned into a purely intellectual formula. In this way it is neutralized, and you can then say ‘one can live with it quite well.’ But you overlook the fact that the self constellating archetypes and the resultant situations steadily gain in numinosity, indeed are sometimes imbued with a positively eerie daemonism and bring the danger of psychosis threateningly close. The upsurging archetypal material is the stuff of which mental illnesses are made. In the individuation process the ego is brought face to face with an unknown superior power which is likely to cut the ground from under its feet and blow consciousness to bits. The archetype is not just the formal condition of mythological statements but an overwhelming force comparable to nothing I know.” Working with one’s archetypes and the mana persona that often is caught up in the inflation while doing so, is a work in progress that takes great care and responsibility for one’s own visions, fantasies, dreams and projections.
4. Becoming conscious of the Self. Jung called this final step self-realization-- “We could therefore translate individuation as “coming to selfhood” or “self-realization”“ (Jung, 1977, p. 173). Jacobi (1973) says “For the conscious personality the birth of the self means a shift in its psychic centre, and consequently an entirely different attitude toward, and view of, life--in other words a ‘transformation’ in the fullest sense of the word” (p. 127). One of the most important concepts of self as involved in ego regarding one’s plight, is in a letter written to Arvind Vasavada on November 22 1954, exemplifying how Jung’s later ideas about self influenced his growing philosophy as it applied to individuation. “The ego receives the light from the self. Though we know of the self, yet it is not known. You may see a big town and know its name and geographical position, yet you do not know a single one of its inhabitants You may even know a man through daily intercourse, yet you can be entirely ignorant of his real character. The ego is contained in the self as it is contained in the universe of which we know only the tiniest section. A man of greater insight and intelligence than mine can know myself, but I could not know him as long as my consciousness is inferior to his. Although we receive the light of consciousness from the self and although we know it to be the source of our illumination, we do not know whether it possesses anything we could call consciousness………” He goes onto say: “Even if the ego should be (as I think) the supreme point of the self, a mountain infinitely higher than Mt. Everest, it would be nothing but a lilttle grain of rock or ice, never the whole mountain………If the self could be wholly experienced, it would be a limited experience whereas in reality its experience is unlimited and endless.”
Becoming conscious is gradual and incomplete, at best, however the trek toward the individuation process must take this into account when one is moving toward self-consciousness and realizing that all cannot be known. The journey is full of new and interesting dialogues…..a sort of ‘art of becoming’.
One must relate to others, connecting and communicating in order to further one’s path toward indivuation. Jung, reinforced this idea, a year before his death, in a letter to Mr. Robert M. Rock on 11 November 1960.
“…without relatedness individuation is hardly possible. Relatedness begins with conversation mostly. Therefore communication is indubitably important.”
Integrating and assimilating our individuation path into our consciousness is ongoing and process oriented. Further questions and conversations about this are welcomed on this site.

Go to this site for more discussion on this matter. http://www.kaleidoscope-forum.org/talk/

Why study Jung?

Jung has been very much a part of my life since my nineteenth year when I began having intense dreams about him. The year was 1961, the time of his death. I became enamored with the psychological field at a small university in Texas. I did not know who or what the significance of those dreams were until 1972 when I ran into the Jung Institute and Dr. Ruth Fry in Houston Texas. I studied with the institute with Dr. Fry, Murray Stein, Gret Baum, Harry Wilmer some of the leading Jungians. My dreams and my own inner dialogues with Jung were intense at that time. I was also the superintendent of a residential treatment center and worked with young people and used many Gestalt and Jungian techniques to deepen the experience of those emotionally disturbed students. Many of the Jungians helped me at that time as well. My life has been a roller coaster, but the calm and complete moments have come from my relationship to the ‘old man’. I want to share some of the good ‘common sense’ Jung had and also utilize some of his work to help you further your own individuation process. I am interested in your dreams, your fantasies and your journeys. So please share with me as we move forward. http://www.gwynnemayer.com

Gwynne and Metaphysics

Gwynne has had over thirty years of experience in counseling, therapeutic training and educational administration. She combines her work with her intense studies and trainings of Carl Jung, Fritz Perls, William Glasser, Frank Rubenfeld, Wilhelm Reich, Ida Rolf, Leonard Orr, Mortimer Adler and Carl Rogers. Gwynne focuses on the inner journey toward one's creativity and connection to one's soul. She combines gestalt, Jungian, Freudian, bioenergetics and Socratic methodologies in an alchemical approach to one's own individual reconnection to process. This site will be devoted to her conversations, writings, artistic pursuits, shamanic journeys and education for those interested in broadening their vision and their understanding of the whole. Gwynne believes that there are many people in the world who could benefit from some very practical approaches to psychology, religion, education and creativity. She strives to bring an application of difficult theories to a more workable connection for you. You can learn about yourself and work on yourself if you are so inclined. Just hang out here on this website and learn more.
Gwynne is also a student of astrology, tarot, I Ching, as well as the Bible and includes some of her more esoteric works in connecting to a more in depth approach to individuation. Gwynne is open to sharing of ideas so please feel free to contact her for further private discussion. If you wish a consultation, e-mail Gwynne at