Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Gwynne and Metaphysics

Gwynne has had over thirty years of experience in counseling, therapeutic training and educational administration. She combines her work with her intense studies and trainings of Carl Jung, Fritz Perls, William Glasser, Frank Rubenfeld, Wilhelm Reich, Ida Rolf, Leonard Orr, Mortimer Adler and Carl Rogers. Gwynne focuses on the inner journey toward one's creativity and connection to one's soul. She combines gestalt, Jungian, Freudian, bioenergetics and Socratic methodologies in an alchemical approach to one's own individual reconnection to process. This site will be devoted to her conversations, writings, artistic pursuits, shamanic journeys and education for those interested in broadening their vision and their understanding of the whole. Gwynne believes that there are many people in the world who could benefit from some very practical approaches to psychology, religion, education and creativity. She strives to bring an application of difficult theories to a more workable connection for you. You can learn about yourself and work on yourself if you are so inclined. Just hang out here on this website and learn more.
Gwynne is also a student of astrology, tarot, I Ching, as well as the Bible and includes some of her more esoteric works in connecting to a more in depth approach to individuation. Gwynne is open to sharing of ideas so please feel free to contact her for further private discussion. If you wish a consultation, e-mail Gwynne at

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